Friday, July 13, 2012

Pica (W.E. 28)

Exercise  28:
The aim of this exercise is to expand your easily accessible vocabulary.  Grab a book, any book.  It can be a book you’ve recently read, one you are currently reading, or one that’s just sitting on your bookshelf.  Next, comb through the book for words you don’t know the meaning of.  Mark the page the word appears on to reference back.  Write down the first 5 - 10 words then grab a dictionary.  Finally, try to use those words in a sentence, or write a short story using those words.  

( If I’ve misused any of the words below, feel free to correct me.  After all, I’m only human and lacking in perfection just as everyone else. )
My list (8):
Aforementioned  - stated earlier; referred to previously
Anachronism – Something out of its proper order
Controvert  - To dispute; To contradict
Incontinent – Lacking self-control
Infirmity – Ailment or weakness
Interminable – Without terminus; endless ; tiresome
Petulant  - ill-tempered; irritable
Poignant – mentally intense; distressing or moving

It was curious how her thoughts were an anachronism.  Her thought process wasn’t something controvertible.  She was in no way incontinent in the way she functioned, unlike the rest of the world.  Every move she made was thoroughly planned out.  If someone spoke to her she would simply not respond, gathering the information and storing it for later purposes as she continued on the path she’d created.  Some people saw the way she lived as a simple infirmity and counteractive to living, but she couldn’t disagree with them more.  Her lifestyle was simply interminable, and she wasn’t sorry that she was different.  Her differences made her feel strong and superior to those around her.  She had no time to bother with those who were petulant she simply shrugged off their ill-mannered behavior and continued about her business as if they didn’t exist.  Having found in her life, not one person who could handle her poignancy in the way that she herself had, she was blinded to her own loss.  Her aforementioned handicap, as other people would see it, would leave her soulless, alone and condemning to a life of lonesome days and nights.  This of course was nothing she feared, for her lifestyle was her own to live and no others.  She was Pica.

Authors Note:
Blogs are going to be limited for a while until I get internet back at my own place.  For now though, bare with me, while things are a little rough.

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