Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Life's Journey of Oranges (W.E. 20)

Exercise 20:
Write a personal narrative.  If you've ever read a poem or a short story that made you feel a strong emotion, this will be easy to write.  Use the story that gave you a significant reaction.  This reaction can either be a strong loathing or a strong love/liking.  Describe why it gave you that reaction.  Make sure to organize your ideas.  You may use a personal story, a recognition of character, a connection to an event or (fill in the blank).

My Life’s Journey of Oranges
I remember having a very strong feeling for the poem “Oranges” by Gary Soto. What did I feel? I felt a strong sense of importance: oranges. It made me think of oranges with the idea that they are experiences. When I read it, I thought it was the most amazing poem I had ever read. It's been a habit of mine for the longest time to write down the things I want to remember. This poem “Oranges” will always be in my little time capsule, as I will refer to it. I liked it so much that I took the book out to the living room with me, and I read it to my mother. I don't really know why but I wanted her to feel something as I read it to her. I read it with as much emotion as I had experienced it. I asked my mother what she thought of it, and it didn’t seem to give her the same reaction. I guess I was hoping to share something with her that I truly enjoyed, and hoping she’d enjoy it just as much as I did. I recall telling her how deep I thought it was, how sweet. I thought “That’s the innocence of a first love.” For me, oranges can represent many different things. My life has a few oranges of its own. As I read the poem, I was full of some deeper emotion I find difficult to define. I can only define it by telling of some of my own experiences. 
It reminded me of my childhood. It reminded me of the first time I was able to finally climb a tree. I'd tried so desperately to pull myself up into the branches day after day. Then one day I was finally able to pull myself up. I felt a strong sense of accomplishment. I climbed as high as I could, entirely fearless. I remember the first feeling of looking down and realizing how high I'd climbed. It was absolutely amazing. I'd finally done it. I'd climbed the tree in its entirety. In this scenario, my orange is the accomplishment of having climbed the tree for the very first time.

It reminded me of my first boyfriend. His name was Christopher. I was in 5th grade at the time, and he was in 4th. He had these dorky glasses and this scraggly blond hair he was constantly fidgeting with. The first time we held hands was completely innocent. He and I were talking about secret areas in the game Super Mario. We held hands as we swung on the swings next to one another. Our fingers weren't interlocked, but our hands were clasped together. It wasn't a tight grip, nor was it gentle. It was simply perfection. I remember how light I felt inside, and how happiness was so easy to come by. It was the power I had within me as a kid; happiness, so simple to grasp, so easy to define. Happiness was my orange. 
It reminded me of the first time I heard a metal song. It was Powerman 5000. I felt scared. In my childhood metal music was always seen as evil, satanic. I was scared because I knew it was something I shouldn't be doing. That scariness made me enjoy it because I rarely deviated from the guidelines of my family. It made me feel like I was doing something dangerous. I felt like I was being bad intentionally for the first time. Danger made me feel strong. It made me feel fearless. When I was listening to Powerman 5000 my brother told my mom I was becoming a Satanist. I don't know if that's what he truly believed or if he had some other hidden agenda. He’d convinced her it was Satan’s music. I was banned from listening to them, even though it’s not satanic music at all. I felt another strong emotion then, the emotion of frustration at my brother's lies. He didn't want me to have the experience. Perhaps he was more afraid than I was. Fear became strength, and that strength was my orange.
It reminded me of the first time I enjoyed reading. I use to absolutely hate reading. Reading was difficult for me as a child. I didn’t like any of the stories they were having us read. I thought all reading was boring and couldn’t be more than that. The only books I’d enjoyed before had pictures in them, books like “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Baby Beluga.” 
I was in the library at my elementary school, Frank Zeek. I was looking desperately for something interesting to read. I don’t know why I’d gotten the idea that reading could be fun, maybe I was simply curious. There on a cart full of books waiting to be returned to their shelves was a book with a dragon on the cover. The cover read “Dealing with Dragons.” I know you’re not supposed to judge books by their covers, but the cover intrigued me enough to pick it up and read the back. As I read the back of it I found myself captured by the story. I decided to check it out. Eventually I read the rest of the series. I was so into the story that I couldn’t put the books down. I remember a warm feeling inside of my stomach like I’d finally found a place I belonged to, a place within the world of books. It was one of the greatest feelings I’d ever felt.
I rekindled the feeling a few months ago when I started reading again. It made me wonder why I’d even stopped reading at all. I suddenly got this strong urge to pick up a book and read. The stories are so captivating. This is why I was so easily captured in my youth by the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. I prefer those with fiction tales, mostly with adventure, because I feel my own adventures aren't always exciting enough to share. Reading is still something I can now enjoy through that simple experience. Reading is now one of my permanent oranges.
One poem can bring up so many memories for me. Oranges are strong feelings contained deep within those memories. They are accomplishments, happiness, strength, and a place to call home, but they are not limited to those alone. Oranges are everything worth experiencing. They are every tangy little drop of life's magic. I could think of more emotions tied to tales of my life. If I weren't limited to examples of only a short few, I'd probably continue to write for hours. I could probably share endless amounts of oranges. Oranges are everything and anything to me. If life allows me, I hope to experience more oranges that can never fade away, for they are worth savoring every juicy detail.

Authors Notes:
This is an essay written for my English 201 class for May 16th 2012.  The stories mentioned are true stories as I remember them.   What are YOUR oranges?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Strange Planet (W.E 19)

Exercise 19:
I don’t know about you, but my desktop wallpapers cycle.  In this exercise I’m going to allow my current desktop wallpaper to inspire me.

Strange Planet
A hole existed amongst all the space matter floating around.  That which floated about in space consisted of carbon, platinum, iron, helium, hydrogen, and so many other elements.  This deep dark hole didn’t discriminate.  It was so hungry for all of the matter floating around, that it sucked it all in.  It began to grow, like a fat kid consistently eating cake.  The thing about this ominous abyss was that the more it ate the more it grew the more hungry it became.  It then began to devour specific things.  An asteroid belt was the new desire of this deep black nothing. 
No, it wasn’t a nothing, it was a something.  This something was once a star that had exploded and collapsed.  It contained so much gravity within itself, that it couldn’t stop itself from collecting everything nearby.  Every little piece it left behind in the explosion now was a part of it once more.  Every fragment of gold, silver, copper, carbon, iron and everything else was now reunited.  It was becoming something new.  It was becoming something to inhabit.  It was becoming a planet. 
At the farthest reaches of this solar system floated luminous bright colors created by other super nova.  Pinks, purples, greens, blues, even yellows and oranges floated about, and yet were so unmoving.  Time simply stood still here.  It wasn’t the past, nor was it the present.  It could only be an unknown future.  Time flowed, yet it flowed so slowly that to the human mind it would appear nothing occurred. 
Over decades, over centuries, over millennia, mankind had observed the universe.  Documents told of different constellations, stars, and planets.  Yet over time everything changed.  It changed slowly, yet the change was seen but unseen.  One human life could never see the slow change.  How simple man, and how short one’s life.   No one could comprehend why time was so fast on Earth and yet so slow in space.
One day this black hole would become a planet.  One day particles from space would share in the growth of many new species.  It was a slow process.

“Captain, I believe I have discovered a new planet.” Navigator Fleece spoke without a shake in her voice.
“Very good navigator.  What are the specifications of this new planet?” The captain requested.
“It appears to have some strange force around it.  At this time we’re unsure what this matter contains.” She spoke with a clear voice.
“Well hurry up and find out imbecile.  Perhaps we can dock and refuel there.  Exploration is of interest to me.”  He spoke in a stern voice very arrogantly.
“We’re looking into it as we speak captain.”  She spoke as if she didn’t hear his insult, but deep within her stomach was a knot festering of anger.  He only ever treated her this way.  Perhaps it was because she was a woman.  She was the only woman of his crew.  “Kraft, try to pull us as close to this planet as possible, I’d like to get a reading on this new energy.”
Around the planet appeared to be some pink-yellow gas. It floated around in rings much like that of Saturn’s rings, but more scattered.  The planet was colored a deep purple-blue.  Specks of green and brown appeared in small patches.
                As navigator Kraft pulled closer to the planet sensors went off, and then stopped abruptly.
                “What is the source of these sensor screams?”  The captain spoke in a collected manner.  He appeared as if he had no fear at all.
                “I’m not quite sure sir.” Spoke science officer Cobalt.  “Our computers didn’t give us a direct reading.  Whatever it was, it’s gone now.”
                “Let me know if you discover anything further, I must rest.”  The captain turned and left through the only set of doors leading into the cockpit.  These doors were double doors with a zigzag down the middle.  They opened automatically when approached due to motion sensors.  They slid closed with a loud clank behind him.
                “Aren’t you going to voice your concern’s Flora?”  Cobalt asked of her.
                “Which concerns are those?”  Fleece asked as if she was clueless to his intent.
                “That he consistently calls you such harsh names, when you don’t deserve it.  You shouldn’t let him treat you that way, captain or not.”  He said, going over the monitors.
                “It’s not of your concern.”  She could hear his concern, but she wanted him to know that she wasn’t a weak minded fool.
                “Whatever.  I just think it’s dumb that just because he’s a captain…Well just because he’s a captain doesn’t give him the right to treat you like dirt, or any other woman for that matter.”  Cobalt voiced.
                “I think she can handle herself Chris.”  Kraft flashed a smile in Fleece direction.  She caught it and found herself unable to keep from blushing.  She couldn’t deny that she was very much attracted to him.
                Just then the sensors blared again before the power of the ship fluxed.  The computer screens and lights all flickered off for just a few seconds.  “Energy levels at 80%.”  The ship said in a very feminine voice.
                “What in space matter, do you guys see that?”  Kraft pointed through the windshield of the ship and saw flashing balls revolving around in the pink-yellow gas.  It was as if the planet itself had stolen some of the ships energy.  It was coming back around and then as if the ship itself had called it, the plasma flew directly at the ship.  The ship shook as if it had been hit by enemy fire.  The planet seemed to be attacking.
                “Damage minimal.  Taking evasive actions.”  The ship blared out once more and made distance between itself and the planet to what it believed was a safe distance.  It had taken the initiative and went into autopilot as a response to the attack….

Authors Note:
Due to being too tired to continue this at this moment, I’m leaving it open ended.  Please, if you’d like, continue this story in your own blog and share the results with me in a comment or on my twitter: @lylathewicked I may continue this at a later time.  This is the barebones unedited version of course.  Things may be changed around to better suit my needs.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Boundary (W.E. 18)

Continue the story:
"Gleaming in the sun, a few clouds in the west obscuring its upper reaches, a continuous barrier of ice the height of a mountain stretched across the land as far as she could see, marking a boundary beyond which none could go." - Jean M. Auel (The Mammoth Hunters)

The Boundary
This boundary was made not by nature, but my mankind.  This mountain looked very real.  It appeared as if mother Earth herself had created it.  Unknown to the masses, this wall was nothing more than a Hologram.

Why has this boundary been created?  Because beyond this wall lies a secret meeting place of government officials.  This was their sanctuary in crisis.  It was their protection from the angry rebellion.  When they could not control they people they would hide away.  Cowards, all of them.

She knew the truth of the massive wall, yet she found herself without a soul to tell.  No one had ever accepted her.  She was different.  She never took words from anyone as literal meanings.  She sought the truth. There were secret words hidden by metaphors. Her motto was: "question everything."

It was simply chance that she'd discovered the false layers of this boundary.  She thought "What is a mountain if it is not worth climbing?"

The fact it was entirely ice did not deter her.  As she came to the wall, she tried to place her hand on what should have been a slippery cold ledge.  Instead her hand disappeared through it.  The false mountain before her rippled like a stone being thrown into water. She understood, this was not a wall she would ever climb.  It was a wall she could walk through.

Gathering all of the curiosity and courage within her, she took the next step.  She walked slowly forward, pushing both hands through.  The wall gave off two stone-like ripples.  Finally, deciding it was safe, she put her head through.  On the other side lay what appeared to be a technological society.  To her it appeared a palace.

She had known for many years, as everyone else had, this mountain was impassible.   It was entirely solid ice.  Now, she knew it was all a lie.

No one had questioned how mother Earth could have created a wall without mankind knowing it.  It was widely accepted.  Everyone accepted the words of the government as a truth.  She soon discovered why.

In mere moments she was surrounded by fleets of men.  They were the controllers and watchers of the boundary.  Though she was in trouble and knew it, she didn't try to run.  She found a truth no one else had taken the time to question.  The desire to climb this impassible wall had been the force behind the discovery.

As they bound her wrists and guided her through to the sanctuary, she had found comfort.  She knew deep down, she would not survive the night.  She had found something.  It had given her life a greater meaning.

She knew the truth of the boundary.  It was enough to bring a smile to her lips, a smile of which had never been seen by anyone.  She found herself unafraid of her fate.  She was proud of her discovery.

She would be the first of many to die on the opposite side of the holographic boundary.


Authors note:
I was bored before my English class on April 18, 2012.  This is the result of that boredom. ;)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Escaping Attack (W.E. 17)

Exercise 17
Write a passage of physical action (a dance, someone is running to catch a plane, there is a fight or someone is trying to escape capture). In order to make the action crystal clear, describe what happens as if you were filming it using only one camera that is fixed in a single place. This will help organize the action so it is easy for a reader to visualize.

Escaping Attack
                His fist flew at my face and I dodged.  Did he think just because I’m a woman, I’m so easy to strike?  My right fist swung upward and into his chin.  Blood splattered from his mouth and he growled.  His muscles flexed and he swung a right hook into my ribcage.  I could feel it crack.  The pain surged through me.  I staggered sideways, but I refused to go down.  I dodged his left hook by staggering painfully backward.  He charged at me.  I dodged to his right.  As he passed me I turned and kicked the back of his right kneecap with my right heel; when he didn’t go down I kicked in the left as well.  I pivoted on my left foot.  As my right foot reconnected with the ground slightly off to the right, I twisted left with my arm closed.  Then, with all of my force I changed the direction in a clockwise motion.  I connected my elbow with the side of his temple as hard as I could.  He cried out as he collected himself under the strength of his right arm.  He quickly got up and flexed his muscles.  He threw a fury of punches.  They were coming so hard and fast, I couldn’t dodge them all.  He hit my agonizing rib cage at least 6 more times.  I tried desperately to block his punches by turning my body and blocking with my arms.  I still refused to give up.  I head butted him as hard as I could.  My skull connected with his nose.  I could feel some of his blood drip into my hair; I felt disgusted.  Blood spurted from his nose.  I took the opportunity to use all the force of my right foot to smash his left knee cap backwards.  I could feel it as he hit the pavement.  All I could hear were his screams of agony.  He would never attack me again.  I gripped my left side.  I knew I’d have to take it easy after tonight.  At least I was safe.  I bent down and grabbed my bag full of groceries.  I walked away from him without remorse.


Authors note:
I hope this was entertaining to read.  It just sort of floated.  I don't know if it even makes sense.  I wasn't really sure what to write about so I just wrote it as it came to me.  I hope you guys give this one a shot. ;)  It's definitely a challenge to figure out what to write about.  I didn't want to be overly generic.  I guess in a way I was still pretty generic huh?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Want a Divorce (W.E. 16)

Exercise 16:
Two people (from your story or novel or memoir or simply two people you've overheard or imagined) are talking. One is putting off telling the other some important information (a bad report card? that she wants a divorce?). The other feels increasing tension in the hesitation and indirection...

I Want a Divorce (Free-write)
                She wanted to tell him.  Something inside told her not to.  She knew his reaction would be quick.  Instead she said nothing.
                “I thought you wanted to go to Colorado with me?”  He asked her with a grim look upon his face.  “Last weekend you were so excited about going and now…”  He looked at her like his heart was breaking.  What could she do?  In her mind memories flushed back from Wednesday evening. 
                She stood there in the rain waiting for him to come, but then her cell phone rang.  She walked under the dry overhang just in front of the double doors and answered it.  It was him.  “I’m sorry.  I can’t make it.  My boss needs...”  She frowned.   She had discontinued listening to him.
She was dripping wet an alone for dinner.  She’d wanted nothing more than to share this evening with him.  Instead all she had was the dripping wet clothes stuck to her body.
It had been weeks since she’d been able to spend time with him.  This night, she felt for sure that he would come.  Her heart was broken.  “Sure…” Her voice spoke of its own accord.  She was responding to him as if it were a rhythm she knew the beat to by heart.
She heard his voice through the speaker like it was a message from death himself telling her it was time.  “I’ll see you at home tonight.  I love you.”   She didn’t respond him.  She simply ended the call.
She went to the restaurant as planned.  It was a fancy little place called Phoebe’s.  It wasn’t the most expensive restaurant in town, nor was it cheap.  It was by reservation only.  He’d made reservations about a week before.  It was their anniversary today.
As she entered she was greeted by a woman.  This woman was a short 5’1” with brown hair and deep blue eyes.  On her right cheek was a small mole, a beauty mark.
The woman tried to lead her to their table, but she didn’t want to sit there now.  “Would it be alright if I just sat at the bar?  My date isn’t going to make it tonight.”  She said as if it meant nothing.
Her dripping wet blond hair was a deep representation of her inner turmoil.  Only she knew this.
The short woman showed her to the bar, as if it wasn’t an obvious find.  In a way it bothered her to be thought so little of.  He’d broken her ability to accept even the smallest of things.  He’d given her too much pain.
She sat at the bar and the handsome young bartender with blond hair and green eyes walked over.  He appeared to enjoy working out.  His muscles looked a little bit like Jean Claude’s pythons.  It brought a smile to her face.  It occurred to her she couldn’t remember the last time she’d smiled.  “What can I get you?”  He asked.
“Club soda.”  She said gloomily looking down at the bar.
“Really?   You seem kind of down.  You look more like a gin and tonic kind of woman.”  He said with a handsome smile that she noticed as she looked up to his glaring eyes.  His hands were on either side of the bar and he was leaning forward a bit.  His tank top showed all of the right musculature.  He was very attractive.
“Actually, sure.  I’ll have that gin and tonic.”  She gave a half smile with the left side of her mouth.
As he prepared her drink he asked “So what’s got you down gorgeous?”
“My husband...Actually, I shouldn’t complain.  Some women have it worse.” She answered, drawing lines with her index finger across the grains of the wooden bar top.
“Don’t belittle your problems like that.  Whatever they are, they are important to you.  If they weren’t they wouldn’t have gotten you so down.”  He responded and walked over to help a couple that sat down at the bar.  They must have been waiting for a table.
She fingered the glass between her hands.  He doesn’t beat you.  He doesn’t cheat on you that you know of.  He cleans up after dinner.  He takes the dog for runs.  He puts the toilet seat down.  He even helps with the laundry.  He’s not so bad. She tried to convince herself it was nothing.
She took a drink of her gin and tonic and sat it back down on the bar.  She looked down the bar at the couple.  The woman was laughing, and touching the man’s arm affectionately.  He was smiling a new lover smile.  They must have either just met, or haven’t been together very long, she thought. It must be nice to be in love like that.  I can’t remember what that’s like.
She took another drink of her gin and tonic and sighed.  So what if he works late and constantly breaks his promises?  So what if he would rather watch the game than lay next to you and stare into your eyes like he once did?  You’re a mature couple now.  You can’t always get the things you want.  There’s no sense in complaining.  Your romantic life is over.  Deal with it.
She finished her drink and walked out of the restaurant.  It was still pouring rain.  In fact it was pouring harder now than it had been when she’d entered the restaurant.  The weather fit her mood.  She put her face to the sky and closed her eyes, letting the water wash away her pain.
She walked a ways and sat on the bench waiting for the next bus.  She was glad she had forgotten her umbrella this evening.  Part of her wished she’d catch pneumonia, the other part thought her foolish.
She thought again about the past 2 months.  He’d blown her off at least 10 times in 2 months.  In normal relationships this would mean the end. Then it occurred to her.  She wanted it to be the end.  Did she really love him anymore?  Maybe she was just in love with the idea of being in love.  She wanted a divorce.
He yelled at her.  “Where are you today?” 
“I’m right here.”  She said in response.  It came out flat.
“Are you?  Because you seem like you’re somewhere else.  I wish you’d just tell me what’s bothering you.  I can’t tell if you’re even listening to me anymore.”  He sounded hurt.
“I’m listening.”  She responded, standing up from the couch.  She seemed bored with the conversation.  She walked toward the kitchen.
He followed her into the kitchen.  She rummaged through the fridge looking for nothing in particular.  “Can’t you see I’m trying to talk to you?  Tell me what’s wrong.”  He stated, but his voice appeared to be cracking.  She could tell she was breaking his heart.
“I can’t.”  She said as she turned to him, closing the fridge and looking right at him.  “I can’t tell you because then it will be real.”
“Is it something you want?  Something I can do?”  He asked her sincerely.  She realized at that moment that it was really what she wanted.
“Yes, it’s something I want.  Yes it’s something you can do for me.”  She said to him as she headed into their bedroom.  He followed her.  He watched her reach into the dresser drawer and pull out some papers.  She brought them to him with a pen.  “I want a divorce.”


Authors note:
I bet you're wondering why I chose to write about a woman who wants a divorce.  To be honest, I didn't.  I was going to write about her cheating on him.  It would have broken his heart.  But the character told me she wasn't that kind of woman.  She just wanted something more than what she had.  She wanted a divorce.  Sometimes as I write the characters seem to develop the story for me.  I let the characters tell me who they are and what it is they would be doing.  I guess I envision it.  Like a world in a different existence.  A world of my mind I suppose.  I hope it sounds as good to you as it does to me. ;)

If you have any interesting writing exercise ideas send them to me on twitter @lylathewicked or leave me a comment to this post.