Friday, May 25, 2012

Strange Planet (W.E 19)

Exercise 19:
I don’t know about you, but my desktop wallpapers cycle.  In this exercise I’m going to allow my current desktop wallpaper to inspire me.

Strange Planet
A hole existed amongst all the space matter floating around.  That which floated about in space consisted of carbon, platinum, iron, helium, hydrogen, and so many other elements.  This deep dark hole didn’t discriminate.  It was so hungry for all of the matter floating around, that it sucked it all in.  It began to grow, like a fat kid consistently eating cake.  The thing about this ominous abyss was that the more it ate the more it grew the more hungry it became.  It then began to devour specific things.  An asteroid belt was the new desire of this deep black nothing. 
No, it wasn’t a nothing, it was a something.  This something was once a star that had exploded and collapsed.  It contained so much gravity within itself, that it couldn’t stop itself from collecting everything nearby.  Every little piece it left behind in the explosion now was a part of it once more.  Every fragment of gold, silver, copper, carbon, iron and everything else was now reunited.  It was becoming something new.  It was becoming something to inhabit.  It was becoming a planet. 
At the farthest reaches of this solar system floated luminous bright colors created by other super nova.  Pinks, purples, greens, blues, even yellows and oranges floated about, and yet were so unmoving.  Time simply stood still here.  It wasn’t the past, nor was it the present.  It could only be an unknown future.  Time flowed, yet it flowed so slowly that to the human mind it would appear nothing occurred. 
Over decades, over centuries, over millennia, mankind had observed the universe.  Documents told of different constellations, stars, and planets.  Yet over time everything changed.  It changed slowly, yet the change was seen but unseen.  One human life could never see the slow change.  How simple man, and how short one’s life.   No one could comprehend why time was so fast on Earth and yet so slow in space.
One day this black hole would become a planet.  One day particles from space would share in the growth of many new species.  It was a slow process.

“Captain, I believe I have discovered a new planet.” Navigator Fleece spoke without a shake in her voice.
“Very good navigator.  What are the specifications of this new planet?” The captain requested.
“It appears to have some strange force around it.  At this time we’re unsure what this matter contains.” She spoke with a clear voice.
“Well hurry up and find out imbecile.  Perhaps we can dock and refuel there.  Exploration is of interest to me.”  He spoke in a stern voice very arrogantly.
“We’re looking into it as we speak captain.”  She spoke as if she didn’t hear his insult, but deep within her stomach was a knot festering of anger.  He only ever treated her this way.  Perhaps it was because she was a woman.  She was the only woman of his crew.  “Kraft, try to pull us as close to this planet as possible, I’d like to get a reading on this new energy.”
Around the planet appeared to be some pink-yellow gas. It floated around in rings much like that of Saturn’s rings, but more scattered.  The planet was colored a deep purple-blue.  Specks of green and brown appeared in small patches.
                As navigator Kraft pulled closer to the planet sensors went off, and then stopped abruptly.
                “What is the source of these sensor screams?”  The captain spoke in a collected manner.  He appeared as if he had no fear at all.
                “I’m not quite sure sir.” Spoke science officer Cobalt.  “Our computers didn’t give us a direct reading.  Whatever it was, it’s gone now.”
                “Let me know if you discover anything further, I must rest.”  The captain turned and left through the only set of doors leading into the cockpit.  These doors were double doors with a zigzag down the middle.  They opened automatically when approached due to motion sensors.  They slid closed with a loud clank behind him.
                “Aren’t you going to voice your concern’s Flora?”  Cobalt asked of her.
                “Which concerns are those?”  Fleece asked as if she was clueless to his intent.
                “That he consistently calls you such harsh names, when you don’t deserve it.  You shouldn’t let him treat you that way, captain or not.”  He said, going over the monitors.
                “It’s not of your concern.”  She could hear his concern, but she wanted him to know that she wasn’t a weak minded fool.
                “Whatever.  I just think it’s dumb that just because he’s a captain…Well just because he’s a captain doesn’t give him the right to treat you like dirt, or any other woman for that matter.”  Cobalt voiced.
                “I think she can handle herself Chris.”  Kraft flashed a smile in Fleece direction.  She caught it and found herself unable to keep from blushing.  She couldn’t deny that she was very much attracted to him.
                Just then the sensors blared again before the power of the ship fluxed.  The computer screens and lights all flickered off for just a few seconds.  “Energy levels at 80%.”  The ship said in a very feminine voice.
                “What in space matter, do you guys see that?”  Kraft pointed through the windshield of the ship and saw flashing balls revolving around in the pink-yellow gas.  It was as if the planet itself had stolen some of the ships energy.  It was coming back around and then as if the ship itself had called it, the plasma flew directly at the ship.  The ship shook as if it had been hit by enemy fire.  The planet seemed to be attacking.
                “Damage minimal.  Taking evasive actions.”  The ship blared out once more and made distance between itself and the planet to what it believed was a safe distance.  It had taken the initiative and went into autopilot as a response to the attack….

Authors Note:
Due to being too tired to continue this at this moment, I’m leaving it open ended.  Please, if you’d like, continue this story in your own blog and share the results with me in a comment or on my twitter: @lylathewicked I may continue this at a later time.  This is the barebones unedited version of course.  Things may be changed around to better suit my needs.

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