Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cheddar Cheese/Molding Cheddar (W.E. 05)

For those of you who don't know, this is a blog about writing exercises. These exercises I've found around the web and may possibly come up with on the spot. This is just for fun and to get me into the habit of writing frequently. I hope you will join me on this journey of writing. I will be posting every Tuesday and Friday as long as I have steam to do so.

Exercise 05
Describe a food, using all your senses. Observe it visually, of course, but also include texture, smell and taste. Describe it again, but in a way that makes it disgusting: how a big juice steak, for example, must appear to a vegetarian.
Cheddar Cheese
                Orange tang colored surface of a rectangular shape. It shined in the light coming from the refrigerator door.  It was cold yet smooth to the touch. Running my warm fingers over more roughly appeared to bruise and taint it. I bruised it without changing the color. There was however, a change in texture that made it feel as if it would crumble like dough with too much flour. It was slightly dry, and yet not dry. Nor did it feel overly moist. Half covered in plastic that kept it safely encased to hold in freshness. The smell was an unpleasant pungent aroma that reminded me of dirty socks. The taste however was much more appealing. It wasn’t sweet, bitter, or spicey. The taste was savory, rich and succulent. My mouth moistened at the delightful taste, slightly sharp. The quality was earthy. 

 Molding Cheddar
                It was an orange-green molding cheese. The mold underneath the wrapper made the concept unappealing to even touch the encasing surrounding it. It was a fear that it would contaminate a hand like the blob. Some mold is good, but as this cheese has turned green it has become apparent it is beyond help. If one were to touch the mold they would find it fuzzy to the touch. The exposed end of the cheese was dry and hardened. It was darker and discolored, yet felt smooth like the surface of glass. The smell was an overpowering smell that reminded me of a rotting corpse of a cat I once found in my backyard. I almost vomited right then. I had to turn away and hold my breath as I threw it in the trash. Nobody should ever taste cheese covered in penicillin, especially if allergic.


Authors Note:
You might be curious as to why I made this fiction and nonfiction. Parts if it are truth, and obviously the dead cat corpse part is fictional, but I felt it was a good way to describe the stench of molding cheese. Anyone whose smelled road kill knows that it's a completely awful smelling rotting flesh. Why did I pick this topic out of all of the things I could have written about? I've eaten a lot of cheese, and found a lot of moldy cheese in my disaster of a fridge. It's a shared fridge. I hardly use it myself. Though occasionally I open it up and take a look. Why describe a food? Because it's a very difficult task at times. I struggled with this one. How does one describe the stench of cheese? All cheeses have a foul stench, whether fresh or severely greening. Anyways, I hope this was an interesting read and that you guys give this exercise a shot, you may be surprised at how difficult it is to describe a food you eat so often.

By the way if anyone knows of any other really cool ideas for writing exercises tweet them to me @lylathewicked

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