Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Gift of Giving (W.E. 03)

For those of you who don't know, this is a blog about writing exercises. These exercises I've found around the web and may possibly come up with on the spot. This is just for fun and to get me into the habit of writing frequently. I hope you will join me on this journey of writing. I will be posting every Tuesday and Friday as long as I have steam to do so.

Exercise 03
Someone gives you or a character a gift. You or the character don't want this gift. Maybe the giver is someone you love, but the gift is old fashioned or inappropriate. Or, maybe, the gift is exactly what you want, but you don't like the giver or the way it is given. Describe the circumstances, then tell what happens.

The Gift of Giving
                My mother gave me this pink and brown scarf for Christmas this year and it has got to be the trashiest looking scarf I have seen in all of space and time. It’s made of this weird silky polyester shit that makes it feel cheap. I don’t doubt this, knowing damn well the way my mother shops. It appears as if someone somehow managed to vomit up some Pepto-Bismol and refried beans, all over it. I can’t even believe she’d even allow herself to be seen buying such crap, and for what cost? Oh! I can only imagine how many holos she forked out. I know it couldn’t be worth more than maybe 10 to 15 at the most. That itself is far too pricey for something that belongs in the garbage behind Super Nova. It would also work possibly as a decoration in the house of your spastic neighbor who believes that the stars will fall one day and burn us into oblivion unless we all “turn back to god.” You know damn well the only thing coming from space is extraterrestrials and our very own space warriors against them; we now refer to those warriors as Ezt Necal, meaning “blood battle.” I can honestly say I don’t want this fucking scarf, but loving my mother as much as I do, how can I refuse, regardless of her inept ability to comprehend the new trends of my generation are holo-bands and LED-Fash? I will not be caught dead wearing this anywhere, god forbid she ever makes me wear it in public. I’ll have to go out with it on. Then I'd come back to slit my wrists the proper way: down the strips, not horizontal to them. Let us hope it never comes to this!

~Amara Asha (Eternal Wish)


Okay, so a little commentary for this one. It was also written a while ago, but I just re-edited it to post. Holos are currency, if that's not obvious, and Super Nova could be any hip together place of the future. I wrote this a bit like a journal entry of a diary. I hope it suits your interests.

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